Monday, November 12, 2007

Go ahead and's at my expense

So, there I was, driving down the road, going to my wonderful yearly doctor's appointment. You know the one I'm talking about-where I get to sit naked in a cold room wearing nothing but a paper vest, a paper sheet, and socks--Oh Joy!! I could hardly wait to get there! I had been anticipating it since I walked out of their door last year!

Anyway, due to recent construction developement in the area, and the fact that I hadn't been there in a year, I missed the turn that would lead me to their door. So, I get into the middle (lefthand) turn lane to turn around in another parking lot. Wouldn't you know, I turn into a Shoedinger Funeral Home. The parking lot looked empty as I was first turning in, so I made the complete turn into their lot, only to find a man, very distinguished in his black suit, I might add, waiting patiently for me to stop beside him so he could adorn my van with one of the flags he held in his hand.

So, not only am I rude enough to do a U-turn in the parking lot of a funeral home, I do it when a service is starting--Go Julie!

What was I suppose to do now? Drive by him, circle the parking lot, and leave? I may be rude, but I'm not insensitive!

Now, to fully grasp my predicament, you have to know that I was driving an astro van in which the window switch doesn't work. So, my window is stuck down about 3 inches, and can't be moved either up or down. So, there I was, pressing my face toward the crack in the window, trying humbly to explain that I was not there for the funeral, but I was just turning around because I missed my turn. I could have died--well, at least I was in the right place.

With that embarassment behind me, I walked into the doctor's office to find a new reception staff. They got a good laugh at my expense when they pulled my chart. The only three inch wide green folder on a shelf with neatly filed thin manilla folders. Well, I've been seeing the same doctor for 18 years! I showed those girls, though. When I filled out my 'annual update' paperwork, where it asked for medical history and surgeries, I put in all capital letters:

Later, as I was sitting in the exam room, fashioning my paper vest, that ripped while I was putting it on, and my paper sheet, in walks the doctor. The first words out of his mouth were to tell me what a unique patient I am (due to the size of my chart), and that they like patients like me, and I'm one of his favorite Of course, me being me, I almost blurted out, 'New tactic doc, butter me up before you feel me up' But I've been tormenting this poor man for 18years, and decided to cut him a break today. 'Cause that's just the type of girl I am.

Bottom line-after discussing some issues with him, he wanted to do some blood tests. He's checking my estrogen, hormones, and thyroid. With the symptoms I've been having, I could be in the beginning stages of menopause, or I could possibly have a problem with my thryroid, or it could be nothing and just chalk it up to 'not being as young as I once was' (that sounds better than 'I'm getting old', don't you think?), and I just have to deal with it.

He might as well have said, "Heads I win, tails you lose"

Now, I've got that nervousness that comes with awaiting lab results.

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